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5 Health Conditions That Eye Doctors Often Discover First

5 Health Conditions That Eye Doctors Often Discover First

Why Regular Checkups at the Eye Doctor Are So Vital It might come as a surprise, but a lot more than field of vision can be obtained from an eye exam. During routine inspection, doctors often look to the retina for clues on vision and eye health. The retina, which is positioned in the back…

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Visual Acuity: What Do We Mean by 20/20 Vision?

Visual Acuity: What Do We Mean by 20/20 Vision?

Does 20/20 Vision Mean Perfect Vision? Many of us have heard the term “20/20 vision” tossed about since the time we were children. In many instances, you likely heard that this was the optimal, or perfect kind of vision, and that those who had less than 20/20 vision basically had eye problems. 20/20 vision, or…

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