Pinkeye Surges in Spring – Here’s How to Avoid It

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Pinkeye Surges in Spring – Here’s How to Avoid It

Take These Steps to Ensure You Don’t Get Conjunctivitis This Spring

If you have kids or you know people who do, then you probably already know all too well the terror of conjunctivitis, known informally as pinkeye. The bad news is, you’re even more likely to get pinkeye in the months of spring. The good news is, there are steps you can take to avoid it.

What Is Pinkeye, and What Causes It?

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the white of the eye and the inner eyelid, known as the conjunctiva. Not all pinkeye is infectious. When your eyes get red or pink because of an allergy, or because something has irritated the eye, this is technically conjunctivitis, but it’s not the “scary” kind.

Infectious conjunctivitis comes from viruses or bacteria, and can be very unpleasant, causing your eye to become swollen, pink or red, and itchy.

Why Does Pinkeye Surge in the Spring and How Can You Avoid It?

Pinkeye spreads very easily, as in – if someone with pinkeye touches their eye and then touches another person who then touches their eyes or touches something that that person touches before touching their eyes, there is a good chance the pinkeye will jump to them.

One of the reasons pinkeye is much more common among kids is because kids tend to interact with each other all day in school, and rarely practice good hand washing hygiene. In the spring, the problem can get quite widespread, as kids may interact with each other in the school environment and spread the disease, or they may interact with each other playing outside after school and spread it.

The Best Way to Protect Children From Pinkeye

The best way to protect your children is to make sure they practice good hand washing hygiene. You may even wish to give your child a small bottle of hand sanitizer to carry with them. They should also be told to avoid children who appear to have pinkeye until they are healthy.

In fact, it is usually a good idea to alert the school to tell the parent of a child with pinkeye to keep them home until they are no longer contagious.

If you have pinkeye in your home, you do not want to get it or spread it to other family members. Again, handwashing is important for both the patient and those around them. As a precaution, you should never share eye makeup or contact lens products with other people in your household, as this is a good way to spread eye disease.

If you have had pinkeye, you should throw out all your eye cosmetics or contact lens products, and replace them once the infection has cleared, or it could return.

Visit Beaumont Vision for More Eye Tips and Better Eye Health

Another very important step for your whole family when it comes to eye health is regular eye exams. While an eye exam won’t prevent pinkeye, it can help identify potential eye problems before they become exacerbated, and early detection and treatment provides the best chance for fast and full recovery.

If you are in the Portland area, schedule eye exams for the family at Beaumont Vision. We have experienced optometric physicians and modern equipment to provide comprehensive eye exams for adults and children in a comfortable environment. To schedule an appointment, contact us today!