UV Radiation and Your Eyes: Protecting Your Vision From the Sun

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UV Radiation and Your Eyes: Protecting Your Vision From the Sun

Don’t Forget About Your Eyes When It Comes to your Summer Sun Protection

As we hurdle into summer, it’s important to think of our eyes before spending hours out in the sun. In the same way that you religiously wear sunscreen and sun hats in order to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays, you should protect your eyes, too.

Whenever you plan your summer vacations and sunny excursions, keep in mind that the sun can have a profound and dangerous effect on our eyes. Exposure to bright sunlight has been proven to cause cataracts and cancer in the eyes. UV radiation can damage the cornea and lens in addition to the surface of the eye.

Fortunately, there are many ways to protect the eyes from the sun so that we can still have fun in the sun all summer long. Check out these tips and tricks to make sure that your eyes are protected from the sun while you’re enjoying your time outdoors this summer. Wearing proper eye protection can save your eyes from the harmful damage caused by UV radiation.

Wear Sunglasses

Sunglasses are the best way to protect your eyes from the sun’s damaging rays. Be sure to wear shades that have full ultraviolet protection. Your sunglasses should block UVA and UVB rays. Remember to still wear sunglasses even if you wear UV blocking contact lenses.

The best way to fully protect your eyes is to wear wrap-around sunglasses that sit close to your face, so the sun’s rays can’t come in through the sides. Remember that dark lens sunglasses don’t necessarily provide better protection—you need UV blocking lenses.

Sit in the Shade

Try not to sit in direct sunlight when the sun is at its strongest between 10am and 2pm. Give your eyes a break between these hours by sitting under a beach umbrella or spending some time indoors.

Staring directly at the sun can burn a hole through the retina, even if you’re wearing UV blocking sunglasses. Sun damage to the eyes is cumulative, meaning that light damage to the eyes as a child can cause greater damage later in life. Kids often spend more time outdoors during the summer than adults, so make sure their eyes are properly protected and consider calling them inside for a lunch or snack break when the sun is directly overhead.

Always Wear Sunscreen

While you may be used to lathering sunscreen on your arms and legs, don’t forget to also get your eyelids and under your eyes with at least SPF 30. If regular broad spectrum SPF stings your eyes, try a sensitive skin sunscreen.

Many makeups and foundations now have an SPF so you can add an extra layer of protection when you put your makeup on every morning. Look for eye creams and moisturizers with an SPF at your department store makeup counter or drug store so that you can protect parts of the face that may be more sensitive.

Protecting Your Eyes From UV Radiation Is an Investment in Your Eyesight

Protecting your eyes from harmful UV radiation now will help to ensure that your eyesight stays healthy in the future. Following these tips will allow you to protect your eyes while enjoying the sun this summer.