How to Select the Right Frame for Your Face Shape

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How to Select the Right Frame for Your Face Shape

How the Shape of Your Face Determines Frame Style

face shape guide

One of the biggest questions people have when they first get glasses is which frames to select. Glasses can be a fun accessory, and some people even wear non-prescription glasses just because they like how it makes them look. With frame selection, it’s always important to make sure the glasses you pick look good on your face.

People often spend countless hours at the optometrist, trying on dozens of different frames in an attempt to find the one that fits and looks best. There are a few basic guidelines of how to select frames that are the most appropriate for your face shape. And indeed — there are several simple rules of thumb to use when searching for the best frames.

According to the Vision Council (the non-profit trade organization for opticians and eyeglass makers), there are some basic face shapes that, when identified, may be used to help select the right frames. The common face shapes are: round, oval, oblong, heart, diamond, and square. The aim is to select frames that provide a balance to the face shape.

Selecting Frames for Round Faces

The defining element of a round face happens in the soft, curved features that have width and height in generally the same proportion. The goal for round faces is for the glasses to draw attention to the top of the head, which lengthens the face.

To achieve this result, round frames should be avoided. Angular and rectangular frames balance a round face the best, as they provide contrast. Frames should also have more width than height to help highlight the forehead of round faces, while adding length to the face. A heavier upper rim and a lighter lower rim on the frames may further help to achieve this balance.

Selecting Frames for Oval Faces

Oval faces are considered by many to be the most balanced face shape. Because of this, people with oval faces have an easier time selecting glasses — any frame could potentially suit their face well. Generally, the goal with oval faces is to maintain the natural balance already present in the face.

The size of the frame is an important feature, as glasses that are too large will create an unbalanced effect. Rectangular frames are popular, as they contrast the features of an oval-shaped face. For women, cat’s eye shaped frames are a good choice, because they compliment an oval shaped face well, and draw attention to the eyes.

Selecting Frames for Diamond Faces

Diamond faces are defined by a narrow jawline and forehead, with prominent cheekbones; this is the rarest type of face shape. Diamond faces are already fairly balanced, so the goal of frame selection is to soften the cheekbones. Overly angular frames and frames with a dark bridge or dark lower rim should be avoided. Oval and cat’s eye frames can help soften the cheeks and highlight the eyes. Rimless frames are also a good choice, as they add a light and airy effect.

Selecting Frames for Heart-Shaped Faces

Heart-shaped faces tend to be narrow at the chin, and wider at the forehead. When selecting eyewear frames for heart shaped faces, the aim is to de-emphasize the forehead. Teardrop shaped glasses should be avoided as they draw attention upward. Thick upper rims should be avoided as well, since they accentuate the forehead. The best balance for heart shaped faces is usually achieved with round or square frames. Rimless frames can also be a good choice, as they balance the narrow chin.

Selecting Frames for Square Faces

Square faces feature a wide forehead as well as a strong jawline. With usually boxy features, frames on a square face should aim to soften them. Square, rectangular, and any overly angular frames should be avoided. Oval or round frames tend to soften the square face’s lines, providing a pleasant balance. Also, a darker upper rim and a lighter lower rim may further help to achieve the right balance.

Selecting Frames for Oblong Faces

An oblong face is longer than it is wide, and generally features straight cheek lines. The goal for oblong face shapes is to balance the overall length of the face. Tall, square frames such as Aviator style glasses work well to achieve this. Avoid frames that are wider than they are tall, as this setup will tend to lengthen the face. Other features to look for would be any decorative or contrasting temple areas that add width to the face, or possibly a low bridge to shorten the nose.

[Photo Via: Beauty Health Tips]