Understanding Myopia or Nearsightedness

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Understanding Myopia or Nearsightedness

Breaking Down One Common Eye Condition
When the function of a person’s eye during the act of focusing on an object in view is less than perfect, that condition tends to be referred to as either nearsightedness or farsightedness.

Diagram of Myopia, or Nearsightedness

Nearsightedness or Myopia

Myopia is often referred to as nearsightedness among people both lay and professional, and it is characterized as a defect of focusing that stems from an overpowered eye (an eye that is more optical power than is necessary, given its length). For nearsighted people, objects seen up close come into clear focus, while objects in the distance appear blurry.

Treatment for this eye condition involves corrective lenses (either glasses or contact lenses) that provide clear vision for objects in the distance by effectively weakening the eye’s power.

It is also common for short- or near-sighted people to see objects moving closer to them becoming more clear as proximity increases. A negative lens used to correct this condition moves the image back farther onto the eye’s retina, allowing the person to see objects in the distance with more clarity. Refractive surgery is also a possible corrective measure to adjust for this condition.

[Diagram Via: essilor.com.au]