How to Avoid Eye Problems for Makeup Users

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How to Avoid Eye Problems for Makeup Users

Do You Wear Makeup Every Day? Here’s How to Protect Your Eyes

For those of us who use makeup every day, it’s tough to imagine going without it. But some of those products that can really enhance your look also need to come dangerously close to your eye to perform their magic.

Products such as eye shadow, eyeliner, and mascara make your eyes look great, but they could also cause an allergic reaction or transmit bacteria to your eyes. So how do you use your favorite cosmetics while still protecting your eye health?

Makeup Tips for Eye Protection

Tip #1: Wash your hands

If you use contact lenses, you know it’s vital to wash your hands thoroughly before putting them in. The same rule applies here. The makeup may be fine, but you have no idea what kinds of bacteria you could be carrying up to your eyes on your hands. Wash them well first.

Tip #2: Test a product first

Before putting on a new product and heading out into the world, test a little bit on yourself to see if you have an allergic reaction. If you do, make a note of the ingredients in that particular product so you can isolate the offending element, and avoid it in the future.

Tip #3: Don’t share makeup

Sharing eye makeup can be fun, but it’s also a great way to contract an eye infection. On that note, if you do get an eye infection, make sure to throw out and replace any eye makeup you have after the infection goes away.

Tip #4: Replace expired makeup

It’s important to replace your expired makeup. Bacteria can build up in your makeup tubes and sponges. You should get in the habit of replacing everything every three months or so. Also try to close any makeup tubes or trays immediately after using them, as extended exposure to the environment can invite more bacteria.

Tip #5: Apply carefully

Wait until you’re out of the car or off the plane to apply your makeup. Applying makeup to the eyes in a moving vehicle is a great way to poke and scratch your eye, which could result in a very undesirable corneal abrasion.

For this reason, it is also not advisable to put anything sharp near your eye, even for such cosmetic tricks as separating your eyelashes.

What If You Wear Contacts?

If you’re just starting out with contacts, you may wonder how they work with eye makeup. First, make sure to put the contacts in first, so you don’t end up inserting any excess makeup on your hands or face into your eye with the lens. Second, opt for creams rather than powders or fiber-based products that might flake and get underneath your lens.

Finally, you might want to consider disposable daily wear lenses, so you don’t have to worry about putting lenses in your eyes that picked up some makeup from the day before.

Becoming More Conscious About Your Eyes and Makeup

Exercising eye-conscious makeup practices is a great way to protect your eye health. Another great way is through regular annual eye exams. An eye exam can make sure you are enjoying the best vision possible, and help spot and address potential vision problems before they escalate.

In the Portland area, you can always come to Beaumont Vision for the eye care you need. We provide professional, thorough eye examinations for all ages in a comfortable, inviting environment. Book your eye appointment online with Beaumont Vision today!