What Is Dropless Cataract Surgery and Should I Get It?

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What Is Dropless Cataract Surgery and Should I Get It?

Will Dropless Cataract Surgery Work for My Eye Problems?

If you or someone in your family has cataracts, then you already know that the only real long-term solution is cataract surgery. One of the problems with cataract surgery, however, is that a regular application of topical eye drops is required after the procedure is completed, which is expensive and can easily create compliance issues for the patient.
However, there is a new alternative that you may want to consider, called dropless cataract surgery. But is dropless cataract surgery right for you or one of your loved ones? Here’s what you need to know about this new approach to cataracts.

What Is Dropless Cataract Surgery?

The surgical procedure with standard cataract surgery and dropless cataract surgery is the same. However, in dropless cataract surgery, there is an added step called intracameral injections.
In this procedure after the cataract is removed and while the patient is still under anesthesia, the surgeon injects a medication into the eye intravitreally. This takes the place of the need for regular post-surgery topical eye drops, although your eye doctor may prescribe a drop a day of a topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, or NSAID, for a month afterwards.

Should I or My Loved One Get Dropless Cataract Surgery?

Here is what you need to consider when thinking about whether or not to opt for the dropless cataract procedure.
  1. Reduced Compliance Issues
After normal cataract surgery, patients need to give themselves 12 drops a day, in addition to an antibiotic four times a day for a week, and an NSAID once a day for a month, as well as a steroid for two weeks.
If you know an older individual or one with other health issues who has had cataract surgery, keeping track of this regimen and performing it correctly can be very difficult. Just having to manage a single drop application a day for a month is much easier.
  1. Lower Cost
As you might imagine, all of those steroids, antibiotics, and other drugs can add up to a considerable cost for the patient, even with insurance. Dropless cataract surgery means you only need to pay for the surgery and the NSAID drops, in addition to any follow-up care.
  1. Fewer Complications
The reason that the topical drop regimen is so important for post-cataract surgery patients is because of the danger of endophthalmitis, a devastating eye disease. Studies have shown that the chances of developing endophthalmitis drop dramatically with dropless cataract surgery over topical drops, with rates as much as 22 times lower.

How Do I Know if I Need Cataract Surgery?

The best way to know the condition of your eyes and to maintain good eye health is to go in for regular eye exams by a trained eye professional. Your optometry professional can let you know if you have any health issues threatening your eye, and guide you towards the best steps for dealing with them. The sooner you identify a potential eye health problem, the easier it is likely to be to manage.
For friendly, professional quality health care in a welcoming, professional environment in the Portland, OR. area, contact Beaumont Vision online or give us a call now at 503-331-3937. We look forward to helping you with all of your eye care needs.