Eye Conditions

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Eye Conditions

Common Eye Conditions & Diseases of the Eye

At Beaumont Vision, we offer the highest quality, most complete and in-depth services available. Our residency-trained optometrists are trained to diagnose and deal with the following common eye conditions, and diseases of the eye.

Myopia (Near-Sightedness)

When the function of a person’s eye during the act of focusing on an object in view is less than perfect, that condition tends to be referred to as either nearsightedness or farsightedness. Learn more about myopianow.

Hyperopia (Far-Sightedness)

When a person’s eyeball is not perfectly round, and instead, is shorter in one direction, then their ability to focus will be impaired, and conditions such as farsightedness can occur. Learn more about hyperopia now.


Astigmatism results in blurred vision due either to one of several conditions, including an irregularly shaped cornea, the front cover of the eye itself (clear), or even the curvature of the lens (inside the eye). Learn more about astigmatism now.


Presbyopia is a vision condition whereby the crystalline lens of a person’s eye loses flexibility, thus making it difficult to focus on objects that are close in proximity. Learn more about presbyopia now.

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

Conjunctivitis is a result of the infection or inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is the thin transparent layer of tissue that lines the inner surface of the eyelid. This tissue also covers the white part of a person’s eye. Several factors may lead to conjunctivitis, including a viral or bacterial infection, or it can be the result of an allergic reaction to things such as pollen or smoke. Learn more about conjunctivitis now.


Glaucoma is a group of eye disorders that lead to a progressive damaging of the optic nerve. Glaucoma results in a loss of vision, as characterized by a loss of nerve tissue. Learn more about glaucoma now.

Macular Degeneration (Due to Age)

Considered to be the leading cause of vision loss in people over the age of 50, Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) occurs when changes to the macula occor. The macula is a small part of the retina, which is located on the inside back layer of a person’s eye. AMD results in a loss of central vision. Learn more about age-related macular degeneration now.


Commonly developing most often in adults over the age of 55, a cataract is an opaque, cloudy area that is located in the lens of the eye, which is normally clear. When a cataract is located in the field of vision, or is of a great enough size, it will inevitably interfere with a person’s normal vision. Learn more about cataracts now.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy tends to be the result of damage to the blood vessels that bring nourishment to a person’s retina, and develops in people who have been diagnosed with diabetes. This condition causes ongoing damage to the retina, located at the back of the eye, and can become a serious threat to a person’s vision. Learn more about diabetic retinopathy now.

Dry Eyes

Often associated with older adults, dry eyes is a condition wherein the tears that normally nourish and lubricate the eye occur in an insufficient amount. Tears in a person’s eyes are needed to maintain the overall health of the eye’s front surface, providing clear vision. Learn more about dry eyes now.

[Photo/Diagram via: webmd]