7 Ways to Make Sure Your Eyes Are Protected in Summer

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7 Ways to Make Sure Your Eyes Are Protected in Summer

The Importance of Summer Eye Safety

summer eye safety

Summer is officially here once again, and you should be having a carefree, good time swimming in the pool or the ocean, catching some of the sun’s rays and going on road trips while the weather’s perfect. But along with the good weather and great activities of the season also comes a host of summertime eye dangers. Read on for a list of seven ways that you can protect your eyes this summer.

1 – Wear Lenses That Block or Absorb Ultraviolet Light

By now we’re all aware of the potential danger that sunlight poses to the health of our skin. But did you know that the sun poses the same danger to your eyes and the skin on your eyelids? A great way to cut down on the sun’s potential to damage your eyes and surrounding tissues is by wearing a pair of UV blocking or absorbing lenses when you plan to be outside or driving in the car.

2 – Wear Your Safety Glasses When Working Outdoors

When the weather gets good, many of us naturally want to finally get a few of those lingering outdoor projects done. Whether you’re working on the exterior of your home, pruning bushes and trees, or just mowing and edging the lawn for the week, it’s very important to keep your eyes safe with a good pair of safety glasses or goggles.

3 – Shade Your Eyes When in the Sun for a Prolonged Time

Summer also means spectator sports and outdoor concerts for many of us. If you’re going to be sitting in the sun for a prolonged time enjoying a race, baseball or softball game, or a music festival, it pays to shade your eyes with some kind of direct protection like a visor or hat. You can burn your corneas if you don’t take appropriate safety precautions.

4 – Wear Real Eye Protection While Playing Sports

Summertime can be a great time to get out and enjoy competitive sports. But whether you’re just playing a friendly game of one-on-one in the driveway, or you’re going all-out and joining an urban summer softball league, it pays to adequately protect your eyes from all the dangers that bats, balls, elbows, flying dirt, etc. have to offer.

5 – Wear Goggles When Swimming

The summer heat may make the local swimming hole or municipal pool more attractive than ever. Unfortunately, there are chemicals in public pools, foreign matter and sometimes chemicals in fresh water and the ocean, all of which can harm your eyes. Play it safe and wear goggles or a diving mask when swimming.

6 – Let the Professionals Handle the Fireworks

Fireworks are a serious summertime eye hazard. Every year around the fourth of July, emergency rooms overload with fireworks-related injuries, many of which affect the eyes. If you must engage in lighting fireworks yourself, then always wear serious eye protection.

7 – Don’t Stare at the Sun

You should have learned this last one in grade school or earlier, from your parents. But seriously – staring at the sun can cause damage to your eyes immediately. Further, prolonged bouts of staring at the sun can lead to serious and irreversible damage, including blindness.

Have Fun and Keep Your Eyes Safe This Summer

Summer can be a lot of fun, for a wide variety of reasons. And if you temper those fun activities with a bit of thoughtful eye safety, you can keep yourself and your vision functioning perfectly while having a good time.

[Photo Cred: Pixabay]