6 Tips on Keeping Your Eyes Healthy While Camping

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6 Tips on Keeping Your Eyes Healthy While Camping

How to Your Eyes Healthy While Camping This Spring & Summer

Tips on Keeping Your Eyes Healthy While Camping

Summer is coming – we don’t have to remind anyone of that simple fact. And because of the onset of summer, and warmer spring months, the annual camping season is either here already or almost here, depending on where you live in the country.

In your haste to get outside and enjoy the great outdoors, don’t forget to prepare yourself for success in keeping your eyes healthy. Here are six tips to keep you safe and protect your vision this summer, as you enjoy Mother Nature in all her glory.

1) Wear Safety Glasses While Chopping Wood, Driving Tent Stakes, Etc.

Safety glasses should be a part of every camping kit. Chopping wood, driving tent stakes into rocky ground, playing William Tell… there are many campsite activities that can put your eyes in harm’s way. Make sure to protect yourself from flying wood chips, arrows, and bits of rock with a good cheap pair of safety glasses.

2) Sit a Reasonable Distance From the Fire

If you are an early season, late season, or off-season camper, then you know it can get really cold out in the backwoods at night. Make sure to pack enough warm clothes so that you can sit far enough back from the fire, so your eyes aren’t in danger of the flying embers. (Or wear those safety glasses while fireside.)

3) Bring a Backup Pair of Contacts and Glasses

If you wear contacts normally, and can’t bear the thought of being stuck wearing glasses while you’re camping, then you’ll need to prepare and pack accordingly. Nothing preps you for an eye infection quite like wearing the same pair of contacts for multiple days, without cleaning them. Bring along an extra pair, extra solution, and backup glasses (just in case).

4) Protect Your Eyes From the Sun

If you’re like most people, sunscreen is an obvious must–pack for your outdoor adventures. Protecting your skin from the harmful effects of the sun’s rays is something that nearly everyone understands the importance of by now.

Unfortunately, many people don’t seem to understand that the sun’s rays can also be harmful to your eyes. Make sure to bring along a pair of UV blocking sunglasses to protect yourself.

5) Wash Your Hands Often!

This one may seem a little out of place, until you think about it. While camping, many people let their personal hygiene routines relax a bit. Add to that reality the fact that there may be environmental toxins (poison oak, ivy, sumac) on your hands, and that smoke from a campfire is likely to make you want to rub your eyes, and you have a disastrous recipe for an eye infection.

In a phrase, wash your hands, and wash them as often as you can. If for some reason you can’t, then make sure you have wet naps and/or hand sanitizer available.

6) Don’t Play William Tell

Seriously. You’ll shoot your eye out. (Or someone else’s.)

Protecting Your Vision and Keeping Your Eyes Healthy While Camping Is Easy

Eye health and safety is probably not the first thing that comes to mind when you start thinking about getting out in nature this summer. But there are enough potential dangers to the health and wellbeing of your eyes out in those woods that a little planning and preparation are well worth the effort. Be safe out there!

[Photo via: Flickr]