What Vegetables Have a Positive Impact on My Eye Health?

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What Vegetables Have a Positive Impact on My Eye Health?

Are Carrots Really Good for My Eyes?

carrots and eye health

Ever since we were toddlers, most of us can remember our moms telling us to eat our carrots because it’s good for our eyes. While it was important for us as children to eat our vegetables, as we age, it becomes even more important to ensure proper nutrition makes it way into our diets.

And the older we get, the more proper nutrition matters for our eyes. There are certain vitamins found in common fruits and vegetables that are especially good for your eyes, and the right diet can go a long way to ensuring your eyes receive the proper nutrition for optimal health.

So What Vegetables Have a Positive Impact on Eyesight?

The old saying that carrots are good for your eyes probably derives from the fact that carrots have a high count of antioxidants like Vitamins C and A. Vitamin C helps your body form connective tissue, while also ensuring healthy blood vessels. Vitamin A has been shown to help prevent night-blindness. Vitamin A also reduces the chance of the vision-related diseases such as cataracts.

Antioxidants that promote eye health can be found in most leafy fruits and vegetables. Common vegetables high in antioxidants and thus beneficial for your eyes include carrots, green peas, green beans, kiwis, grapefruit, tomatoes, and Brussels sprouts.

Lutein, Vegetables, and Your Eye Health

Recently studies have shown specifically that two specific antioxidants have a direct impact on your eye health. Those are Lutein and Zeaxanthin. These antioxidants are specifically called carotenoids. Carotenoids protect against Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). AMD is a common cause of gradual vision loss as we age. Eating vegetables high in carotenoids helps prevent the onset of AMD. Vegetables with a high content of carotenoids include: kale, spinach, and broccoli.

What Other Vegetables Are Good for My Eyes?

A few other vitamins are known to have a positive effect on the health of your eyes. Vitamin E almost helps prevent AMD. Nuts, grains, and sweet potatoes are high in vitamin E. Zinc also helps prevent AMD, and can be found in cabbages, sprouts, tomatoes, and wasabi.

Bilberry is an herbal supplement that is high in many of antioxidants mentioned in this article. To ensure the best possible eye health, be sure to supplement a diet with mixed fruits, nuts, and vegetables, together with a daily multivitamin.

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